Gentle Farewell: How to Get Rid of Lizards at Home Without Harming Them

Discovering lizards at home can be unsettling, but there's no need for harm. This blog unfolds a humane approach to bid farewell to lizards without resorting to harm. As you create a lizard-free haven, also explore Propty for your dream home – where comfort and harmony align seamlessly.How to Get Rid of Lizards at Home Without Harming Them

  1. Understanding Lizard Behavior:
    • Gain insights into lizard behavior, helping you better address their presence.
  2. Seal Entry Points:
    • Identify and seal potential entry points, such as gaps in doors and windows.
  3. Maintain Cleanliness:
    • Eliminate insect sources by keeping your home clean, reducing the attraction for lizards.
  4. Use Natural Repellents:
    • Employ natural deterrents like coffee grounds, garlic, or onion peels to discourage lizards.
  5. Peacock Feathers:
    • Place peacock feathers strategically, as lizards often perceive them as a threat.
  6. DIY Eggshell Barrier:
    • Create a barrier using crushed eggshells, deterring lizards with the texture.
  7. Keep the Home Cool:
    • Lizards prefer warmer environments, so maintain a cooler home to make it less appealing.
  8. Ultrasonic Repellent Devices:
    • Install ultrasonic repellent devices emitting high-frequency sounds, keeping lizards at bay.
  9. Citrus Peels:
    • Place citrus peels in areas frequented by lizards, as they dislike the smell.
  10. Use Natural Oils:
    • Apply natural oils like neem oil or eucalyptus oil in lizard-prone areas.
  11. Make Use of Onion Slices:
    • Lay onion slices in corners, acting as a natural deterrent for lizards.
  12. Utilize Cardboard Traps:
    • Set up humane traps using cardboard tubes, allowing you to release captured lizards outside.
  13. Cucumber Slices:
    • Place cucumber slices in areas where lizards are seen, as they tend to avoid the smell.
  14. Neem Spray:
    • Create a neem spray by mixing neem oil with water, and apply it to areas frequented by lizards.
  15. Professional Assistance for Removal:
    • If necessary, seek professional assistance for the safe removal and relocation of lizards.
  16. Preventive Measures:
    • Implement preventive measures such as regular home maintenance and sealing entry points.
  17. Check Out Propty for Your Dream Home:
    • As you create a lizard-free haven, explore Propty for your dream home – where comfort meets a harmonious living space seamlessly.

How to Get Rid of Lizards at Home Without Harming Them

Creating a lizard-free home can be achieved through humane and natural methods. By incorporating these gentle strategies, you can bid farewell to lizards without causing harm. As you restore harmony to your living space, consider exploring Propty for your dream home – where comfort and a harmonious environment align seamlessly.


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